“Therapeutic presence lies at the heart of positive therapeutic relationships– receptively attuning to the client, oneself and the relationship between, invites a sense of safety and a feeling of being seen and understood”
The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Welcome to my website! Here you will find an infusion of tools, services, and publications to help you optimize your potential. Today, we need a combination of evidenced based practices to enhance well-being. With over thirty years of practice and research in the field of mindfulness, compassion, clinical psychology, and music, I have discovered innovative ways of weaving together different approaches to cultivating presence.
I am passionate about the potential of each and every person to create a healthy and joyful life and to engage in meaningful relationships. My hope is that the information on this site benefits therapists, clients, and anyone interested in exploring the healing power of being fully in the moment – with and for each other.
May your cultivation of presence and compassion flourish – and in turn touch the lives of many.
Yours in wellness,
Dr. Shari Geller