
Grounding Psychotherapy in Self-Compassion

Presenting innovative ways to infuse self-compassion into psychotherapy, this book shares ideas and tools from leaders in the field. Clinicians from any orientation are guided to cultivate self-compassion themselves and incorporate it into interventions with clients. Rich case material throughout the chapters illustrates applications for frequently encountered clinical problems, from anxiety disorders, depression, trauma, and emotional dysregulation, to addictions, eating disorders, chronic pain, and more. Core processes of self-compassion and mindfulness are reviewed, including cutting-edge findings from interpersonal neurobiology. The companion website features more than 15 downloadable audio tracks of guided practices from the book, together with reproducible scripts.

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Therapeutic Presence: A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapeutic Relationships – 2nd Edition

Therapeutic presence—one’s ability to exist fully in the moment with a client—is crucial to effective psychotherapy practice. Since the first edition of Therapeutic Presence was published nearly a decade ago, further research has emphasized the role and deepened our understanding of this essential building block of effective therapeutic relationships.

This book is a detailed guide on cultivating therapeutic presence for new and seasoned therapists alike. The authors’ model is based on the results of their extensive study, and revolves around three key aspects of therapeutic presence:

  • Using mindfulness and experiential exercises to create the conditions for presence, both prior to and in sessions;
  • Generating attunement to self and others, as a precursor that facilitates therapeutic presence; and
  • Recognizing the felt experience of in-session presence.

With practical, research-based scenarios and exercises, as well as a full training program for cultivating presence in students and trainees, this text will help train the next generation of therapists in the nuts-and-bolts of empathic attunement and a strong therapeutic alliance to create effective therapy.

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A Practical Guide to Cultivating Therapeutic Presence (2017)

Being fully present with clients can be challenging for health practitioners, given the emotional demands of their intensive work combined with any number of physical and mental distractions, which can make it difficult to establish a healing therapeutic alliance. In this practical guide, author Shari Geller translates empirical research—including neurophysiological evidence—into simple exercises that clinicians of all theoretical persuasions can use to set a pre-session foundation for presence and develop presence throughout therapy. Geller also emphasizes therapist self-care with practices that clinicians can implement in their daily lives, which ultimately translates into more effective therapy.

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Therapeutic Presence: A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapy (2012)

The therapeutic relationship is essential to positive outcomes of psychotherapy. In this book, Shari M. Geller and Leslie S. Greenberg argue that therapeutic presence is the fundamental underlying quality of the therapeutic relationship and, hence, effective therapy.

Therapeutic presence is the state of having one’s whole self in the encounter with a client by being completely in the moment on a multiplicity of levels: physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. Present therapists become aware of both their own experience and that of their client through bodily sensations and emotions, and this awareness helps them to connect deeply with the client. Therapeutic presence is not a replacement for technique, but rather a foundational therapeutic stance that supports deep listening and understanding of the client in the moment.

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The Effect of Attitudes Toward Online Therapy and the Difficulties Perceived in Online Therapeutic Presence (2021)

Cultivating Therapeutic Presence: Strengthening Your Clinical Heart, Mind, and Practice (2020)

Cultivating online therapeutic presence: Strengthening Therapeutic Relationships in Teletherapy Sessions (2020)

Therapeutic Presence: The foundation for effective emotion-focused therapy. In L.S. Greenberg, L., R. N. Goldman, (Eds.)., Clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy (pp. 129-145). Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association. Geller, S. M. (2019).

Therapeutic Presence and Polyvagal Theory: Principles and Practices for Cultivating Effective Therapeutic Relationships (2018)

Creating Safety: Therapeutic presence and the Polyvagal Theory (2014)

Therapeutic Presence as a Foundation for Relational Depth (2013)

Therapeutic Presence: An Essential Way of Being (2013)

Therapeutic Presence: A Fundamental Common Factor in the Provision of Effective Psychotherapy (2012)

Therapist and client perceptions of therapeutic presence: The development of a measure (2010)

Therapeutic presence measure TPI – T (therapist version)

Therapeutic presence measure TPI – T (therapist version) – French Version

Scoring instructions TPI-T

Therapeutic presence measure TPI – C (client version)

Therapeutic presence measure TPI – C (client version) – French Version

Scoring instructions TPI-C

Cultivation of Therapeutic Presence: Therapeutic drumming and Mindfulness practices (2009)

De ontwikkeling van therapeutische presentie: therapeutisch drummen en mindfulness-oefeningen (German translation)

The Power of Drumming: Healing through Sound and Rhythm (2006)

Becoming Whole: A collaboration between experiential psychotherapies and mindfulness meditation (2004)

Therapeutic Presence: Therapists’ experience of presence in the psychotherapy encounter (2002)

La Presence Therapeutique (French translation)

Therapeutic Presence and the Naturopathic Doctor: Bringing one’s whole self into the encounter with the patient (2002)

Congruence and Therapeutic presence (2001)

Peer responses to social interaction with depressed adolescents (1992)

Cultivating Presence: Mindfulness Practices for Opening to The Moment (2012)

Guided Meditation and Music for Cultivating Presence

This CD reflects an inspirational duet between spoken word and music. Dr. Geller facilitated four guided practices of presence. In turn, the musicians listened and embodied the meditative practices and together created music on world instruments from their in the moment experience of presence.

Being in the moment with oneself and others is healthy and growth promoting. However, slowing down in a fast-paced world takes practice and intention. Cultivating Presence offers a restful way of opening to the moment by listening to guided imagery and meditation, with music created on world instruments while embodying the qualities of presence. This audio begins with a description of how mindfulness and music can improve health and well-being and enhance present moment awareness. Drawing on over 20 years of practicing mindfulness, combined with clinical wisdom and empirical research, Dr. Shari Geller guides us through four powerful meditations, reflecting the four embodied qualities of relational presence:

• Grounding – Centered, steady and in contact with yourself
• Immersion – Absorbed and deeply engaged in the moment
• Expansion – Spacious and able to sense the whole of a situation
• With and For Another – Compassionately connected with others

Dr. Geller teaches us that presence is accessible through intentional pausing and opening to the moment. By receiving these guided practices, an experiential process can be ignited that will nudge your body and brain towards cultivating greater presence and harmony within yourself and with others.

Suggested retail Price $20.00. Special on-line offer $15.00.

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Presence in Psychotherapy

APA Systems of Psychotherapy Video Series

Presence in psychotherapy, considered to be a fundamental underlying quality of an effective therapeutic relationship, is essentially the state of having one’s whole self in the encounter with a client by being completely in the moment on a multiplicity of levels: physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually.

Not a replacement for technique, presence in psychotherapy is a foundational stance that supports deep listening and understanding of the client in the moment, and is also a framework for psychotherapy that fosters a deep client–therapist connection through various aspects, such as the awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and perception. Being fully present allows for an attuned responsiveness that is based on a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of the other’s experience as well as one’s own intuition and skill, and the relationship between both.

In this demonstration, Dr. Shari Geller works with a woman who, after the loss of her brother and father, sought out the opportunity to release long-held feelings of deep pain and depression. Watch a sample of the video here

Series 1 – Systems of Psychotherapy

by American Psychological Association

You can order the DVD here